Jun 19, 2010

Just a few recent photos...


Michelle Glauser said...

Wow, he is looking so old! And is Marci pregnant again, or did the wind just billow out her shirt like that? ;) If I'm totally off, sorry, sorry, sorry! Hope you're all doing well!

Jane Durham said...

Cute cute! Glad to see an update!

april said...

I'm so lucky to have such an adorable nephew, and a cute little sis' to boot!

Boyd Family said...

Super cute pics Marci. You are both adorable!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Miss!!! Best piece of advice, things will change... just take things one day at a time. That is all you can do and that will help you stay sain! Also, always have a spare diaper bag in your trunk. That way if there are messes or unexpected things you always have spare clothes and what not. Those are two things I have learned and am glad I did!