Aug 16, 2008

First things first

After a vacation, our house is usually a disaster.  We have luggage, laundry, souvenirs, etc. laying out all over the house.  Seriously, I am not exaggerating.  We've been trying to get our home back in order slowly since we got back, but it's been hard because things have been really busy.  So what did I come home to discover Tuesday night after a looong day at work?  My darling husband had not only done (read: completed, as in washed, dried, and folded) several loads of laundry, but he had also done the dishes, vacuumed the house, and completely rearranged two rooms of furniture!  I had mentioned in passing that I wanted to mix it up, but wasn't expecting to have it done the next day!!!  I wish I had a "before" picture, but I don't.  So try to imagine Matt moving the piano and the 400 pound bookcase all by himself.  Thanks honey!


Cher said...

WOW Marci! That looks Great!!!

Jon and Briana said...

Fun! What a great husband! It was way fun seeing you

april said...

That's so nice of him. I love surprises like that! But I'm confused... I thought this is how it was laid out already. What am I missing?